ROOM INSPiration // how to create your own clean and cozy space

by - 11:38 AM

Helluu everyone, I hope you had a great start into the week!! I survived my 4.5h biology test and enjoyed the cold but oh so beautiful weather today, so all is great:) Is it snowing where you live as well?
In this post I want to share some tips on how to create your own clean and cozy space and of course also some pics with you! So yeahh, let´s get started!!

 1// find your own style

Go through magazines, pinterest, weheartit (or even IKEA haha) to find your own interior style! I personally like to keep the basics white or black because than I can change up the more colorful details (candles, blankets, photos...) whenever I feel like it! Right now the main colors in my room are rosé, dark green, silver, grey (and black and white of course), but if I need some change I can easily modify them!

2// focus on a few colors

If really colorful rooms are your thing, this tip might not be something for you, but otherwise focusing on a few matching colors will make it much more easy to continue your interior style in every part of your room and bring harmony into your own space!

3// plants are friends

I really need to work on my green thumb because right now only cacti survive in my room haha... but I do have a looot of them! Anyways, plants are so so important in any room, they do not only look cute but also refresh the air in your room (by absorbing CO2 and releasing oxygen) and some plants actually help you to have a good sleep!

4// Find the balance between coziness and clarity

Only having the stuff which really means something to you, or you use often in your room is so important! Minimalism in general changed my life (click here to read a full post regaring this topic) and I believe that a clean room is essential for a clear head!
However, that does not exclude making your room cozy by adding candles, fairy lights, pillows, blankets ect. and making it personal by hanging up your own visionboard or pictures! I definitely want to create a polaroid picture wall when I buy my first very own apartment!!

5// Small room? It´s all about few furniture and a mirror!

If you´re having a small room just like I do, I can highly recommend placing a big mirror in your room and only keeping the furniture you really need! Another chair or a coach may be nice, but it will only make your room look smaller:)

6// Make your room a place full of inspiration

What I like most about my room (besides my bed haha) is my vision board. A while ago I printed out pictures of what I want my life and myself to be like: pics of the places I want to see, the job I want to have, the relationships I desire... it was so much fun, but the best part is that put these pictures up and see them every day! This brings you closer to your goals and invites you to be motivated and inspired! If you´re interested, I would love to write a whole post about this topic, so please let me know in the comments!

I really hope that I was able to inspire and help you with my tips! Let me know what your tips regarding creating your own clean and cozy space are, I´m really curious!!
Love, Alina

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8 Kommentare

  1. Oh, dein Zimmer sieht wunderschön aus und soo gemütlich!! Vielen Dank für die Tipps! Ich sollte mich auf bestimmte Farben konzentrieren, da mein Zimmer gefühlt ein Mischmasch aus allen Farben ist 😏😏. Die Fotos sind dir echt gut gelungen - total inspirierend!
    Alles Liebe,

  2. Wow, dein Zimmer ist wirklich gemütlich und eine tolle Inspiration. :)
    Hab noch einen tollen Tag!
    xx Katha

  3. Ich will auch versuchen in meinem neuen Zuhause mehr Pflanzen zu integrieren, obwohl ich wirklich einen Rabenschwarzen Daumen habe :D

    Josie / Warm Winters

    1. Haha da bin ich auch nicht viel besser... naja wenigstens leben meine Kakteen soweit noch:)
